"Can’t help doing sth." 是一个英语短语,意为“禁不住做某事”,表示无法控制自己去做某件事情,即使可能知道这样做并不明智或者不被期望。这个表达通常用来强调一种强烈的冲动或习惯。


在使用 "can’t help doing sth." 时,其结构通常是 "主语 + can't help + 动名词"。动名词(-ing形式)是动作的名词形式,表示正在进行的动作或状态。


1. I can't help smiling when I think of our first meeting. (当我回想起我们的初次相遇,我禁不住微笑。)

2. She can't help worrying about her son's future. (她禁不住担忧儿子的未来。)


1. **Can't resist doing sth.:** 这个短语也表示无法抵挡或避免做某事,与 "can’t help doing sth." 意思相近。例如:I can't resist eating chocolate when I'm stressed.(我压力大的时候就忍不住要吃巧克力。)

2. **Can't control oneself from doing sth.:** 这个表达强调的是对自身行为的控制力不足。例如:He can't control himself from laughing at the joke.(他听到笑话就忍不住大笑。)

3. **Find oneself doing sth. (unconsciously):** 这个短语强调的是无意识地做某事,可能是因为习惯或者下意识的行为。例如:I find myself humming the tune all day long.(我不自觉地一整天都在哼这首歌。)

4. **Be unable to stop oneself from doing sth.:** 这个表达强调的是无法阻止自己做某事,含有更强的尝试控制但失败的意味。例如:She was unable to stop herself from crying when she heard the sad news.(听到那个悲伤的消息,她无法抑制自己的眼泪。)


1. Despite his best efforts, he can't help checking his phone every few minutes. (尽管他尽力克制,但他还是每隔几分钟就忍不住看手机。)

2. Whenever I'm near the bakery, I can't resist buying a freshly baked croissant. (每次路过面包店,我都忍不住要买一个刚烤好的羊角面包。)

3. In her excitement, she couldn't control herself from jumping up and down. (她兴奋得忍不住上下跳了起来。)

4. He found himself tapping his foot nervously during the interview. (面试时,他发现自己紧张地不自觉地敲打着脚。)

5. She was unable to stop herself from crying after watching the emotional movie. (看完那部感人的电影后,她无法阻止自己流泪。)