
"Stop sb. doing sth." 是一个常用的英语短语,意为“阻止某人做某事”或“制止某人的某个行为”。在这个结构中,“stop”是一个动词,表示阻止或妨碍的意思;“sb.”是“somebody”的缩写,代表人称代词的宾格形式,指代某人;“doing sth.”是现在分词短语,表示正在进行的动作或状态。整体而言,这个短语强调的是对他人行为的干预或制止。


1. 直接制止行为:

   例如:“Please stop her crying. She's disturbing the whole class.”(请阻止她哭,她正在打扰全班。)

2. 阻止即将发生的行为:

   例如:“I had to stop myself from laughing at his joke.”(我不得不阻止自己笑出声,因为他的笑话很冷。)

3. 表示劝阻或建议:

   例如:“Don't stop him exploring new ideas, he might find a breakthrough.”(不要阻止他探索新想法,他可能会有重大发现。)


1. Prevent sb. from doing sth.

   这个短语也表示阻止某人做某事,但通常强调的是预防性或长期性的阻止。例如:“The law prevents companies from polluting the river.”(法律阻止公司污染河流。)

2. Halt sb. doing sth.

   “Halt”一词比“stop”更正式,常用于命令或紧急情况,例如:“The police halted the thief running away.”(警察阻止了逃跑的小偷。)

3. Discourage sb. from doing sth.

   这个短语含有劝阻或打消某人积极性的含义,如:“I'll discourage him from joining the risky adventure.”(我会劝阻他参加那个危险的冒险活动。)

4. Interrupt sb. doing sth.

   “Interrupt”强调打断或中断正在进行的动作,例如:“Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you reading.”(对不起,我不是故意打断你读书的。)


1. Stop talking and listen to the teacher. (别说话,听老师讲。)

2. The security guard stopped me entering the restricted area. (保安阻止我进入限制区域。)

3. I couldn't stop myself from eating another piece of cake. (我无法阻止自己再吃一块蛋糕。)

4. Parents should encourage their children to express themselves instead of stopping them thinking. (父母应该鼓励孩子表达自己,而不是阻止他们思考。)