这个短语“start sb. doing sth.”在英语中用于表示引发或促使某人开始进行某个动作或活动。它强调的是一个初始的动作或状态的变化,通常带有鼓励、激励或者引导的意味。这个短语中的"start"是动词,"sb."代表人称代词(如he, she, it, they等),"doing sth."则是一个动名词短语,表示被启动的动作。


1. 在这个结构中,“start”后面接宾语“sb.”,然后是介词“by”或“in”,再接着是动名词“doing sth.”。

   例如:She started me reading the book by mentioning its intriguing plot. (她通过提及那个引人入胜的情节使我开始阅读这本书。)

2. 当“start”后面没有介词时,"sb."和"doing sth."直接连用,此时"start"相当于引起或导致的意思。

   例如:The loud music started everyone dancing. (大声的音乐使每个人都开始跳舞。)

3. “start sb. doing sth.”有时可以表达强迫或迫使某人开始做某事,带有负面含义。

   例如:The strict teacher started the lazy student studying by threatening to fail him. (严厉的老师通过威胁不及格迫使懒惰的学生开始学习。)


1. Encourage sb. to do sth. - 鼓励某人做某事


   例如:My parents encouraged me to pursue my passion for painting. (我的父母鼓励我追求对绘画的热爱。)

2. Persuade sb. to do sth. - 说服某人做某事


   例如:I persuaded her to join the debate team by highlighting the benefits. (我通过强调好处说服她加入了辩论队。)

3. Force sb. to do sth. - 强迫某人做某事


   例如:He was forced to quit his job due to the economic downturn. (由于经济衰退,他被迫辞掉了工作。)

4. Initiate sb. into doing sth. - 引导某人开始做某事


   例如:The mentor initiated the new intern into the world of finance. (导师引导新实习生进入了金融界。)