"Put off doing sth." 是一个常用的英语短语,意为“推迟或延迟执行某个行动”。这个短语强调的是将计划或打算的事情暂时搁置,留待以后再处理。通常,人们使用这个表达是因为各种原因,如时间不足、需要更多准备、突发事件或其他优先事项。


在句子中,"put off"后面总是跟动名词(即动词+ing形式),表示要推迟的具体行动。例如:

1. I need to study for the exam, but I keep putting off reading the textbook.


2. We've decided to put off signing the contract until we've had a chance to review it more carefully.


3. The meeting has been put off until next week due to unforeseen circumstances.



1. **Delay**: 这个词与"put off"非常相似,都表示延后或推迟。例如:

   "I'll delay my trip to the gym until after work."


   辨析:"Delay"更侧重于客观上时间的推后,而"put off"可能包含主观上的拖延或逃避。

2. **Postpone**: 这个词比"put off"更为正式,通常用于正式场合或书面语。例如:

   "The conference has been postponed until further notice."


   辨析:"Postpone"暗示有一个确定的新日期或时间,而"put off"不一定有明确的新计划。

3. **Procrastinate**: 这个词主要指因为懒惰、犹豫或恐惧而无意识地推迟做事。例如:

   "I procrastinated on writing my essay and ended up staying up all night to finish it."



4. **Reschedule**: 这个词意味着重新安排一个已计划好的活动。例如:

   "The flight was rescheduled due to bad weather conditions."


   辨析:"Reschedule"强调了新的时间安排,而"put off"则更注重动作本身,不一定涉及具体的重新安排。