
"Prevent doing sth." 是一个常用的英语动词短语,表示阻止或妨碍某人或某事的发生。在这个结构中,"prevent" 是动词,意为“阻止”,"doing" 是动名词形式,表示要阻止的具体行为。例如,"I need to prevent him from leaving early."(我需要阻止他早走。)


1. 基本结构:"Subject + prevent + object + (from) + -ing form of the verb"

   例句:The teacher prevented the students from talking during the exam.(老师阻止学生在考试期间说话。)

2. "Prevent" 后面可以直接跟动名词,不加 "from"。

   例句:Regular exercise can prevent heart diseases.(定期锻炼可以预防心脏病。)

3. 当 "prevent" 与 "from" 一起使用时,"from" 后面通常接动名词,但有时也可以接不定式。

   例句:She tried to prevent him from going, but he left anyway.(她试图阻止他去,但他还是走了。)


1. "Stop doing sth." 和 "Prevent doing sth."

   "Stop" 更侧重于立即停止正在进行的动作,而 "prevent" 强调的是防止动作的发生或继续。


   - Stop smoking immediately for your health.(为了健康,立刻戒烟。)

   - The security guard prevented the thief from stealing the jewels.(保安阻止了小偷偷窃珠宝。)

2. "Avoid doing sth." 和 "Prevent doing sth."

   "Avoid" 主要指自己主动避开某个情况或行为,而 "prevent" 多指外界因素或他人阻止某事发生。


   - To stay healthy, you should avoid eating too much junk food.(为了保持健康,你应该避免吃太多垃圾食品。)

   - The safety measures are in place to prevent accidents at the construction site.(安全措施到位以防止工地事故。)


1. "Prevent sb. from doing sth.":阻止某人做某事

   例句:The parents tried to prevent their child from playing video games all day.(父母试图阻止孩子整天玩电子游戏。)

2. "Prevent sth. from happening": 阻止某事发生

   例句:We must take action now to prevent climate change from getting worse.(我们必须现在采取行动,以防止气候变化进一步恶化。)