**"Keep doing sth."** 这个短语在英语中是一个非常常用的表达,用来强调持续不断地做某件事情。它的含义是“继续做某事”,“坚持做某事”,或者“保持某个行为或习惯”。这个表达体现了对行动的持久性和毅力,通常用于鼓励、建议或描述一种持续的行为模式。

### 释义与用法

"Keep doing sth." 的基本含义是“保持某种状态或活动,不中断,不放弃”。它强调的是连续性和稳定性,可以用来描述一个正在进行的动作或者一个需要持续努力才能达成的目标。例如:

- "Keep studying hard, and you'll eventually get the results you want."(继续努力学习,你最终会得到你想要的成绩。)

- "Keep exercising regularly, and your health will improve over time."(坚持定期锻炼,你的健康状况会随着时间的推移而改善。)

### 例句

1. **鼓励**:Keep practicing your public speaking skills, and you'll become more confident.

2. **建议**:To maintain a healthy lifestyle, keep eating a balanced diet.

3. **描述习惯**:She keeps volunteering at the local animal shelter every weekend.

### 同义词辨析

1. **Continue doing sth.**:与 "Keep doing sth." 意思相近,但更正式,强调的是动作的延续性。

   - "Continue studying, and you'll pass the exam."


2. **Persist in doing sth.**:强调在困难或挑战面前坚持不懈。

   - "You must persist in practicing to master this skill."

3. **Carry on doing sth.**:通常用于鼓励或命令,表示在某种情况或事件发生后继续进行。

   - "Despite the rain, we should carry on with our picnic."

4. **Go on doing sth.**:较为口语化,同样表示继续做某事。

   - "Go on reading; I won't disturb you."


### 中英文对照示例

- 保持乐观的态度,一切都会好起来的。 (Keep a positive attitude, and everything will work out.)

- 我们要坚持不懈地追求我们的梦想。 (We must persist in pursuing our dreams.)

- 无论遇到什么困难,都要继续前进。 (No matter what difficulties arise, carry on moving forward.)

- 他每天都在练习钢琴,从未间断。 (He keeps playing the piano every day without skipping a day.)