"Escape doing sth." 是一个英语短语,意指避免或成功地不执行某个行动或任务。它通常用于描述一个人设法摆脱了某种不希望或不愿意承担的责任或义务。这个短语强调的是通过某种方式成功地避开了即将发生的不愉快事情。


在使用"escape doing sth."时,通常会强调个人的主动行为或者外部环境的帮助,使得某项行动得以避免。例如,一个人可能因为巧妙的理由或突发情况而逃避了需要完成的工作。此外,这个短语也可以用来描述在危险或困境中的逃脱行为,但重点仍然是避免了原本需要做的事情。


1. He managed to escape doing the dishes by volunteering to take out the trash instead. (他主动提出倒垃圾,从而成功地逃避了洗碗的任务。)

2. The deadline for the project was approaching, but she escaped doing any extra work by claiming illness. (项目截止日期临近,但她通过说自己生病成功地避开了额外的工作。)

3. When asked to give a speech, John made a quick exit, thus escaping doing something he found particularly daunting. (当被要求发表演讲时,约翰迅速离开了,因此避免了他觉得特别棘手的事情。)


1. **avoid doing sth.** - 这个短语与"escape doing sth."非常相似,都表示成功地避开或不执行某项行动。然而,"avoid"更强调个人的决定和计划,而不一定涉及逃脱的情境。

   例句:She always avoids answering difficult questions directly. (她总是避免直接回答困难的问题。)

2. **get away with not doing sth.** - 这个短语暗示某人没有受到惩罚或后果,而成功地未完成某事。它强调的是结果而非过程。

   例句:He thought he could get away with not studying for the exam, but he failed. (他认为不复习也能逃过考试,但他失败了。)

3. **shirk doing sth.** - "Shirk"强调不负责任地逃避责任,通常带有负面含义,暗示逃避者有义务或责任去做某事。

   例句:He was criticized for shirking his duties and leaving everything to his colleagues. (他因逃避职责,把所有事情都留给同事而受到批评。)

4. **postpone doing sth.** - 这个短语表示将某事推迟到以后,但并不意味着完全避免。

   例句:The meeting was postponed until next week due to unforeseen circumstances. (由于意外情况,会议推迟到了下周。)