"Enjoy doing sth." 是一个常见的英语短语,用于表达一个人对从事某一活动的热爱或乐趣。这个短语的核心在于“enjoy”,它源自古英语“en-”(意为“使进入”)和“geleoferan”(意为“使欢乐”),在现代英语中,"enjoy" 有着“喜欢”、“欣赏”或“享受”的意思。当与动名词(即动词的-ing 形式)连用时,"enjoy doing sth." 表示的是在执行某个动作或参与某个过程时感到快乐或满足。


"Enjoy doing sth." 的含义是喜欢或享受做某件事情,这可能是出于兴趣、爱好,或者是从中得到满足感。它强调的是一种积极的情感体验,表明在进行该活动时,人们感到愉快或有成就感。



1. I enjoy reading books in my spare time. (我喜欢在空闲时间读书。)

2. She enjoys playing the piano, which is her biggest passion. (她喜欢弹钢琴,这是她最大的热情。)


1. He enjoys cooking and often experiments with new recipes. (他喜欢烹饪,经常尝试新的食谱。)

2. They enjoy hiking in the mountains on weekends to get close to nature. (他们喜欢在周末去爬山,亲近大自然。)

3. The children enjoy playing video games, but parents encourage them to balance it with outdoor activities. (孩子们喜欢玩电子游戏,但父母鼓励他们也要参与户外活动。)


1. **Love doing sth.** - 强调对某事的深爱,情感程度比 "enjoy" 更深。

   例句:I love painting, it's my life's calling. (我热爱绘画,那是我的生活使命。)

2. **Take pleasure in doing sth.** - 指从某事中获得快乐,强调的是结果。

   例句:She takes pleasure in helping others, which gives her a sense of fulfillment. (她乐于助人,这让她有成就感。)

3. **Get satisfaction from doing sth.** - 强调从某事中得到满足感。

   例句:He gets satisfaction from solving complex problems at work. (他从解决工作中复杂的问题中得到满足感。)

4. **Be fond of doing sth.** - 意味着喜欢,但程度较轻,可能只是偶尔为之。

   例句:She is fond of dancing, especially during festive occasions. (她喜欢跳舞,尤其是在节庆的时候。)