"Allow doing something" 是一个动词短语,表示同意或许可某人执行特定的行动或活动。它强调了给予某人权力或自由去做他们可能需要或想要的事情,而这种权力通常来自一个权威人物或规则制定者。这个短语可以用于正式或非正式的语境,涉及各个领域,如教育、法律、家庭、工作等。


1. 直接宾语和动名词结构: "allow sb. doing sth."

   例如:The school allows students studying in the library after hours. (学校允许学生在课后在图书馆学习。)

2. 不带宾语时,动名词作主语: "Allowing sb. to do sth." 

   例如:Allowing children to express their opinions freely is important for their development. (允许孩子自由表达观点对他们的成长很重要。)

3. 配合情态动词: "sb. may/might/can be allowed to do sth."

   例如:Teenagers might be allowed to drive at 16 in some countries. (在一些国家,青少年可能在16岁就可以被允许开车。)

4. 否定形式: "not allow sb. to do sth."

   例如:Parents don't allow their children playing video games for too long. (父母不允许他们的孩子玩电子游戏太久。)


1. The company policy allows employees taking two personal days off per month. (公司的政策允许员工每月有两天的个人假期。)

2. The teacher allows discussing in groups during class, as it promotes collaboration. (老师允许课堂上小组讨论,因为它能促进合作。)

3. The park rules don't allow feeding the animals, as it can disrupt their natural behavior. (公园规定不允许喂食动物,因为这可能会扰乱它们的自然行为。)

4. Parents should allow children making mistakes, as it's an essential part of learning. (父母应该允许孩子犯错误,因为这是学习的重要部分。)


1. Permit: 与 "allow" 意思相近,但更正式,常用于法律或官方文件中。

   例如:The permit allows us to enter the restricted area. (许可证允许我们进入限制区域。)

2. Consent: 强调主观上的同意,尤其指对于重要或敏感事情的同意。

   例如:She gave her consent for the operation after consulting with the doctor. (在咨询医生后,她同意进行手术。)

3. Authorize: 通常用于授权或批准具有特定权力或权限的行为。

   例如:The manager authorized the purchase of new office equipment. (经理批准购买新的办公设备。)

4. Approve: 指对某事的赞同或认可,通常用于正式场合。

   例如:The board approved the budget proposal at the meeting. (董事会在会议上批准了预算提案。)