“Trouble sb. to do sth.”是一个常见的英语表达,用于礼貌地请求或要求某人做某事,尤其是在可能给对方带来不便或麻烦的情况下。这个短语在语气上显得较为委婉,体现了对他人的尊重和关心。其基本含义是“使某人在做某事时感到不便或困扰”。


1. Would you trouble me to pass the salt, please?(请问你能麻烦把盐递给我吗?)

2. I wouldn't want to trouble you with this, but could you help me move the sofa?(我不想给你添麻烦,但你能帮我搬一下沙发吗?)

3. It would greatly trouble my neighbor if I played loud music at midnight.(如果我在午夜放大声音乐,会大大打扰到我的邻居。)


1. **Ask sb. to do sth.** - 这个短语更直接,没有“trouble”所含的顾虑和礼貌意味。例如:“Can you ask John to call me back?”(你能请约翰回个电话吗?)

2. **Bother sb. to do sth.** - 与"trouble"相似,但语气稍重,有时可能带有轻微的不满或不耐烦。例如:“I'm sorry to bother you, but I need your assistance.”(很抱歉打扰你,但我需要你的帮助。)

3. **Request sb. to do sth.** - 这个表达更为正式,适用于正式场合或书面语。例如:“We request the participants to submit their reports by Friday.”(我们请求参与者在周五之前提交报告。)

4. **Could/Would you...?** - 这种问句形式通常用来礼貌地请求,虽然没有明确提及“trouble”,但同样表达了不希望给对方带来不便的意思。例如:“Could you lend me your pen for a moment?”(你能借我你的笔一会儿吗?)

5. **Would you mind...?** - 这是另一种礼貌的请求方式,强调的是对方是否介意做某事。例如:“Would you mind helping me carry these boxes?”(你介意帮我搬这些箱子吗?)