"Teach sb. to do sth." 是一个英语动词短语,表示教导或指导一个人学习如何执行特定的任务或活动。这个表达的核心在于传授知识、技能或行为方式,帮助他人掌握新的能力。


1. 主语通常是能进行教学的人,可以是教师、教练、父母、朋友等。

2. "sb." 是指受教者,即学习者或学生。

3. "to do sth." 是动词不定式结构,描述需要学习的具体动作或技能。


1. I'll teach you how to play the guitar. (我会教你如何弹吉他。)

2. The experienced chef is teaching his apprentice to cook delicious meals. (经验丰富的厨师正在教他的学徒做美味的饭菜。)

3. My mother taught me to swim when I was a child. (我小时候妈妈教我游泳。)

4. The driving instructor will teach you the rules of the road. (驾驶教练会教你交通规则。)


1. Instruct sb. in doing sth.

   与 "teach sb. to do sth." 相似,表示提供指导或教育。例如:She instructed her students in the art of debate. (她教导学生们辩论的艺术。)

2. Coach sb. on doing sth.

   通常用于体育或专业领域的指导。例如:The math tutor coaches him on solving complex equations. (数学家教辅导他解决复杂的方程。)

3. Show sb. how to do sth.

   强调实际操作演示。例如:I showed her how to use the new software. (我向她展示了如何使用新软件。)

4. Demonstrate to sb. how to do sth.

   这个表达更侧重于展示和示范。例如:The chef demonstrated to the class how to prepare a perfect soufflé. (厨师向全班展示了如何制作完美的酥皮蛋奶酥。)