"Persuade sb. to do sth." 是一个英语动词短语,意为“劝说或说服某人去做某件事情”。这个短语通常用于描述通过论据、情感或影响力来改变他人决定或行动的过程。在句子中,"sb." 代表“某人”,"to do sth." 表示要被说服执行的具体行为。


1. 主动语态:主语通常是实施说服行为的人,例如 "I persuaded my friend to join the gym."

2. 被动语态:主语是被说服的人,例如 "She was persuaded by her parents to study medicine."

3. 非谓语形式:可以使用 "persuading sb. to do sth." 或 "persuaded sb. to do sth.",如 "Knowing the benefits, he found it easy to persuade his colleagues to adopt the new system."


1. I managed to persuade my sister to give up her part-time job and focus on her studies. (我成功地说服了妹妹放弃兼职,专心学习。)

2. The marketing team was able to persuade the board to invest in the new advertising campaign. (营销团队说服了董事会投资新的广告活动。)

3. After listening to my arguments, she reluctantly agreed to be persuaded to attend the conference. (听了我的论点后,她不情愿地答应去参加会议。)


1. Convince: 强调通过事实、证据或逻辑来说服某人,例如 "I convinced him of the importance of saving money." (我说服他储蓄的重要性。)

2. Influence: 指通过个人魅力、权力或行为对他人产生间接影响,例如 "Her positive attitude influenced us all to work harder." (她的积极态度影响我们所有人更加努力工作。)

3. Coerce: 带有强迫意味,可能涉及威胁或压力,例如 "They coerced her into signing the contract." (他们强迫她签了合同。)

4. Sway: 通常指短暂的影响,可能只改变一时的决定,例如 "His emotional speech swayed the audience's opinion." (他的感人演讲左右了听众的看法。)