"Permit sb. to do sth." 是一个英语动词短语,意思是“允许某人做某事”。在这个结构中,“permit”是动词,意为“允许”,“sb.”是代词,代表“某人”,“to do sth.” 是不定式短语,表示允许的具体行为。这个短语常用于正式或书面语境,表达一种授权或同意他人进行特定活动的情况。

### 用法

1. **基本用法**:通常用在主语(通常是人或机构)给予另一方某种权限或许可的语境中。

   - The school permits students to use the library after hours. (学校允许学生在放学后使用图书馆。)

2. **否定形式**:表示禁止或不允许时,可以使用否定形式 "not permit sb. to do sth."。

   - Parents don't permit their children to watch TV during homework time. (父母不允许孩子在做作业时看电视。)

3. **疑问形式**:询问是否允许某人做某事时,可以将 "do" 或 "to do" 提前。

   - Will you permit me to speak? (你会允许我说话吗?)

4. **被动语态**:当焦点放在被允许的人或事物上时,可以用被动语态 "be permitted to do sth."。

   - Children are not permitted to smoke in public areas. (孩子们不被允许在公共场所吸烟。)

### 例句

1. The government has permitted foreign investors to establish factories in the special economic zone. (政府允许外国投资者在经济特区建立工厂。)

2. She didn't permit him to leave the house until he finished his chores. (她直到他完成家务才允许他离开家。)

3. The doctor has permitted me to resume my exercise routine gradually. (医生已经允许我逐渐恢复锻炼。)

4. The company policy doesn't permit employees to use personal phones during working hours. (公司的政策不允许员工在工作时间使用个人手机。)

### 同义词辨析

1. **allow**: 这个词与 "permit" 有非常相似的含义,但通常更口语化,可用于各种语境。

   - The teacher allows extra time for students who need it. (老师给需要的学生额外的时间。)

2. **authorize**: 强调正式的授权或批准,常用于法律或官方文件中。

   - The boss authorized me to sign the contract on his behalf. (老板授权我代替他签署合同。)

3. **give permission**: 这个短语强调给予许可的过程,比 "permit" 更具主动性。

   - She gave her daughter permission to go to the party. (她给了女儿去参加聚会的许可。)

4. **approve**: 表示对某事的赞同或同意,但不一定涉及直接的权力授予。

   - The board approved the proposal after a thorough discussion. (董事会经过深入讨论后批准了提案。)