"Mean sb. to do sth." 是一个英语短语,表示“打算要某人做某事”或“计划让某人执行某个行动”。在这个表达中,“mean”作为动词使用,意为“打算”,“sb.”是“somebody”的缩写,代表“某人”,“to do sth.”则表示“做某事”。这个短语通常用于描述一个人的意图或预期,强调对他人行为的安排或期望。


1. **基本用法**

   - "I meant you to come earlier, but you were late." (我打算让你早点来,但你迟到了。)

2. **表达预期**

   - "I didn't mean her to get upset over it." (我没打算让她为此难过。)

3. **解释意外结果**

   - "I didn't mean for the situation to escalate like this." (我没打算让情况变得如此严重。)

4. **在建议或请求中**

   - "I mean for you to discuss this matter with your manager." (我打算让你和你的经理讨论这个问题。)


1. "I meant him to finish the project by Friday, but he hasn't even started yet." (我打算让他在周五前完成项目,但他甚至还没开始。)

2. "When I said that, I didn't mean you to take it so seriously." (我说那句话时,并没打算让你这么认真对待。)

3. "She meant us to work together on the presentation, but we ended up doing it separately." (她打算让我们一起准备演讲,但我们最后各自独立完成了。)

4. "Don't worry, I didn't mean for you to be involved in this conflict." (别担心,我没打算让你卷入这场冲突。)


- **Intend sb. to do sth.** - 也表示“打算让某人做某事”。例如:"I intended him to attend the meeting, but he had an emergency." (我打算让他参加会议,但他有急事。)

- **Plan for sb. to do sth.** - 强调预先的规划。例如:"We've planned for her to give the keynote speech at the conference." (我们已经计划让她在会议上做主旨演讲。)

- **Want sb. to do sth.** - 虽然也表达一种期望,但更侧重于个人的愿望,不一定涉及具体的计划。例如:"I want you to be happy, no matter what." (我希望你幸福,无论怎样。)