"Invite sb. to do sth." 是一个常用的英语短语,表示请求或鼓励某人参加某个活动或进行某个行为。这个短语的核心在于“邀请”,它通常带有友好、礼貌的意味,目的是为了让对方参与进来。在使用时,"sb." 代表“somebody”,即某人,"to do sth." 表示具体的行动或活动。


1. Could you please invite John to the party this weekend? (你能邀请约翰这个周末来参加聚会吗?)

2. I invited my colleagues to have lunch together to celebrate my promotion. (我邀请同事们一起吃午饭庆祝我升职。)

3. She invited him to join her for a walk in the park after work. (她邀请他下班后一起去公园散步。)


1. Ask sb. to do sth.: 这个短语也表示邀请,但语气相对直接,有时可能更倾向于请求,而不是纯粹的邀请。例如:"Ask your friends to come over for dinner." (请你的朋友们过来吃晚饭。)

2. Invite sb. for sth.: 这种表达方式与"invite sb. to do sth." 相似,但更强调邀请的目的。例如:"I invited her for a cup of coffee." (我邀请她喝杯咖啡。)

3. Entreat sb. to do sth./Beg sb. to do sth.: 这两个短语都有强烈恳求的意味,比"invite"更为正式或感情化。例如:"I entreated her to attend the conference with me." (我恳求她和我一起参加研讨会。) 或 "Please beg your sister to come to the wedding." (请务必让你妹妹来参加婚礼。)

4. Summon sb. to do sth.: 这个短语通常用于权威或正式的场合,如法律或官方会议,表示召唤某人执行某事。例如:"The king summoned his advisors to discuss the matter." (国王召集他的顾问讨论此事。)

5. Propose that sb. should do sth.: 这个表达更正式,常用于建议或提议。例如:"I propose that we should hold a meeting to address the issue." (我提议我们应该召开一次会议来解决这个问题。)