**Drive sb. to do sth.** 是一个英语短语动词,意为“迫使某人采取行动,驱使或激励某人去做某事”。这个表达通常用来描述一种强烈的外部力量或情况,使得某人不得不做出反应或改变他们的行为。


"Drive sb. to do sth." 暗示了一种强烈的动力或压力,这种动力可能来自外部环境(如压力、困境或挑战),也可能来自内部(如情感、欲望或冲动)。它强调了这种力量足以促使一个人采取行动,即使他们可能不愿意或者原本并不打算这样做。


在句子中,"sb." 是指代“某人”的代词,"to do sth." 是不定式短语,表示被驱使去做的具体行为。例如:

1. The heavy workload drove her to work overtime. (繁重的工作量迫使她加班。)

2. His frustration drove him to seek professional help. (他的挫败感驱使他寻求专业帮助。)

3. Financial difficulties drove them to sell their house. (经济困难迫使他们卖掉了房子。)


1. The constant noise from the construction site drives me to wear earplugs every day. (持续的建筑噪音使我每天都要戴耳塞。)

2. The fear of failure drove her to study harder than ever before. (对失败的恐惧驱使她比以往更加努力学习。)

3. His love for music drove him to pursue a career as a musician, despite his parents' objections. (他对音乐的热爱驱使他不顾父母的反对,追求成为一名音乐家。)


1. **Force sb. to do sth.** - 强迫某人做某事,强调的是外力的强制性,有时带有强迫或威胁的意味。

   例句:The law forces companies to recycle waste materials. (法律强迫公司回收废物。)

2. **Push sb. to do sth.** - 推动某人做某事,暗示了某种压力或影响,但不一定是强制性的。

   例句:Her friends' encouragement pushed her to try skydiving for the first time. (朋友们的鼓励推动她首次尝试跳伞。)

3. **Compel sb. to do sth.** - 迫使某人做某事,通常用于正式或法律语境,表示必须或不得不。

   例句:The law compels citizens to report any suspicious activities. (法律要求公民报告任何可疑活动。)

4. **Induce sb. to do sth.** - 诱导某人做某事,通常指通过说服、诱惑或奖励来促使某人采取行动。

   例句:The promise of a promotion induced him to accept the challenging assignment. (晋升的承诺诱导他接受了这个具有挑战性的任务。)