" Beg sb. to do sth." 是一个英语短语,表示恳求或强烈请求某人去做某件事情。这个表达通常用于表达一种极度需要或渴望他人采取行动的情况,带有强烈的感情色彩,可能是因为紧急、重要或者其他个人原因。


在该短语中,“beg”是动词,意思是“恳求”或“乞求”,“sb.”代表“somebody”,即“某人”,“to do sth.”是一个不定式短语,表示要请求的具体行为。整个短语结构为动词+宾语+不定式,是一种常见的英语句型。


1. I begged my friend to lend me some money when I was in financial trouble. (当我陷入经济困境时,我恳求朋友借给我一些钱。)

2. She begged her boss to give her an extension on the deadline. (她请求老板延长截止日期。)

3. The child begged his parents to take him to the amusement park. (孩子恳求父母带他去游乐园。)


- **Ask sb. politely to do sth.**:礼貌地请求某人做某事,语气较轻,不涉及强烈的感情。

- **Plead with sb. to do sth.**:恳求或祈求某人做某事,比“beg”稍弱但仍然带有强烈的感情。

- **Entreat sb. to do sth.**:恳求某人做某事,与“beg”相似,但更正式或书面化。

- **Implore sb. to do sth.**:迫切地请求某人做某事,通常用于紧急情况,情感强烈。

- **Beg of sb. to do sth.**:与“beg sb. to do sth.”同义,但“of”在这里增加了恳求的恳切程度。


1. 当我遇到经济困难时,我恳求朋友借给我一些钱。(I asked my friend to lend me some money politely when I was in financial trouble.)

2. 她请求老板给她更多的时间来完成任务。(She pleaded with her boss to give her more time for the task.)

3. 孩子恳求他的父母带他去动物园。(The child entreated his parents to take him to the zoo.)

4. 在紧急情况下,他们恳求邻居帮忙。(In the emergency, they implored their neighbor for assistance.)

5. 他恳求她原谅他的错误。(He begged of her to forgive his mistakes.)