"Bear sb. to do sth." 是一个英语短语,表示能够忍受或者容忍某人做某特定的事情。这个表达通常用于描述一个人在某种程度上接受或忍受另一个人的行为或举止,尽管可能并不完全赞同或喜欢。在使用时,"bear" 作为动词,"sb." 是指代人的代词(如 he, she, it, they 等),"to do sth." 则是表示动作或行为的不定式短语。


"Bear sb. to do sth." 表示对某人行为的忍受,这种忍受可能是出于必要、爱、耐心或其他原因。它强调的是在一种不愉快或困难的情况下,某人仍然选择接受或容忍。


1. 在肯定句中,"I can bear him to talk loudly." 意为“我能忍受他大声说话。”

2. 在否定句中,"I can't bear her to be late again." 意为“我不能忍受她再次迟到。”

3. 在疑问句中,"Can you bear me to interrupt?" 意为“你能忍受我打断吗?”

4. 在条件句中,"If you bear your colleague to complain, you'll learn something valuable." 意为“如果你能忍受同事的抱怨,你会学到有价值的东西。”


1. She bore her son to play video games all day, knowing it was his only form of relaxation. (她忍受儿子整天玩电子游戏,知道这是他唯一的放松方式。)

2. The teacher had to bear the students to chatter during the lesson, as it was their first day back. (老师不得不忍受学生们在上课时聊天,因为这是他们第一天回来。)

3. He couldn't bear his neighbor to park in his driveway, so he complained to the authorities. (他无法忍受邻居把车停在他的车道上,所以他向有关部门投诉了。)


- **Tolerate sb. doing sth.:** 这个短语与 "bear sb. to do sth." 相似,都表示忍受某人的行为。例如:“I tolerate her constant complaints.”(我忍受她不断的抱怨。)

- **Put up with sb. doing sth.:** 也表示忍受,但通常带有更多的不耐烦或勉强的意味。例如:“I'm putting up with his laziness for now.”(我现在正在忍受他的懒惰。)

- **Stand sb. doing sth.:** 通常用于口语中,表示勉强忍受。例如:“I can't stand him speaking in that rude manner.”(我无法忍受他那样粗鲁地讲话。)