"Ask sb. to do sth." 是一个常用的英语短语,意为“请求或邀请某人去做某件事情”。在这个结构中,“ask”是动词,表示“询问”或“要求”,“sb.”是“somebody”的缩写,代表“某人”,而“to do sth.”是一个不定式短语,表示要执行的动作。这个短语通常用于正式或非正式的场合,请求或指示他人完成特定的任务或活动。


1. 直接请求或指示:

   例如:“Can you ask John to bring the projector for the meeting?”(你能叫约翰带投影仪来开会吗?)

2. 邀请参加活动:

   例如:“I'd like to ask you to join us for dinner tonight.”(我想请你今晚和我们一起吃晚饭。)

3. 请求帮助:

   例如:“Could you ask your brother to help me with the move?”(你能让你哥哥帮我搬家吗?)


1. Ask sb. to do sth. 与 Tell sb. to do sth.



   - "Please ask your friend to lend me his car."(请问问你的朋友能不能借我他的车。)

   - "I told my assistant to send the report immediately."(我告诉我的助手立即发送报告。)

2. Ask sb. to do sth. 与 Invite sb. to do sth.

   “Ask sb. to do sth.”可以用于邀请,但可能暗示更多的是一种请求,而“Invite sb. to do sth.”则更侧重于正式或友好的邀请。


   - "I asked him to come to my party, but he declined."(我邀请他来参加我的派对,但他拒绝了。)

   - "We would like to invite you to our wedding ceremony."(我们想邀请你参加我们的婚礼仪式。)

3. Request sb. to do sth. 和 Require sb. to do sth.

   这两个短语在正式语境中使用,表示一种正式的要求。"Request" 通常更礼貌,而 "Require" 则更为正式且可能带有一些强制性。


   - "The manager requested all employees to submit their reports by Friday."(经理要求所有员工在周五前提交报告。)

   - "The school requires parents to sign the permission slip for the field trip."(学校要求家长签署郊游的同意书。)