"Allow sb. to do sth." 是一个常用的英语动词短语,表示同意或许可某人执行某一特定行为。这个短语的核心是“允许”,即赋予某人做某事的权利或者不阻止他们进行某项活动。


1. 主语通常是能给予许可的人或机构(例如:父母、老师、法律等)。

2. "sb." 是宾语,代表被允许做某事的人。

3. "to do sth." 是不定式短语,描述被允许的具体行为。


1. My parents allow me to stay up late on weekends. (我的父母允许我在周末熬夜。)

2. The school allows students to use the library after hours. (学校允许学生在课后使用图书馆。)

3. The law doesn't allow citizens to carry firearms without a permit. (法律不允许公民未经许可携带枪支。)


1. Permit sb. to do sth.

   这个短语与 "allow" 类似,都表示给予许可。例如:

   "The manager permitted me to take an extra day off." (经理允许我多休一天假。)

2. Authorize sb. to do sth.


   "The company has authorized me to sign contracts on their behalf." (公司已经授权我代表他们签署合同。)

3. Consent to sb.'s doing sth.


   "She consented to her daughter's going abroad for further study." (她同意女儿出国深造。)

4. Give sb. permission to do sth.


   "I'll give you permission to leave early if you finish your work." (如果你完成工作,我会允许你提前离开。)