“Hesitate to do sth”是一个英语短语,意为在采取行动或做出决定时表现出迟疑、犹豫不决。它描述了一个人在面对某个任务或选择时内心的不确定感或恐惧,可能会导致拖延或无法立即行动。
## 用法:
这个短语通常用于描绘一个情境,强调个人在面对可能有风险、困难或需要勇气的情况时的内心斗争。在句子中,"to do sth"部分应替换为具体的动作或决定。
## 例句:
1. She hesitated to speak up in the meeting, fearing her colleagues might disagree with her ideas.
2. He hesitated to ask for help, not wanting to appear vulnerable.
3. Despite being qualified, she hesitated to apply for the job due to the high competition.
4. They hesitated to invest in the new startup, uncertain about its potential for success.
## 同义词辨析:
1. **Doubtful about doing sth**: 这个表达强调的是对某事的怀疑态度,可能源于缺乏信息或信心。
- Example: I'm doubtful about accepting this offer, as I haven't thoroughly researched the company.
2. **Reluctant to do sth**: 表示不愿意或不情愿做某事,可能是因为不喜欢、害怕或有其他更优先考虑的事情。
- Example: He was reluctant to give up his current job, even though it offered limited growth opportunities.
3. **Wary of doing sth**: 这个短语强调对可能的危险或不良后果的警惕和谨慎。
- Example: She was wary of sharing her personal information online, given the risk of identity theft.
4. **Indecisive about doing sth**: 表示在做决定时的摇摆不定,难以确定最佳选项。
- Example: The team was indecisive about which strategy to adopt for the upcoming project.
5. **Torn between doing A and doing B**: 当面临两个或多个同样吸引人的选择时,感到左右为难。
- Example: She was torn between pursuing her dream career and taking a more stable job.