**Fear to do sth.** 的含义:



1. I fear to speak in public because of my stage fright. (我害怕在公众面前讲话,因为我有怯场的问题。)

2. She fears to confront her boss about the unfair treatment. (她害怕面对老板关于不公平待遇的问题。)

3. The child fears to walk alone at night due to the recent burglaries. (由于最近发生了一系列入室盗窃案,孩子害怕晚上独自走路。)


1. **Be scared to do sth.**:这个短语与 "fear to do sth." 类似,强调对某事的恐惧或害怕。例如:I'm scared to go near the edge of the cliff. (我害怕靠近悬崖边缘。)

2. **Be hesitant to do sth.**:虽然这个短语也表示不愿意或犹豫做某事,但它通常更多地与不确定性或缺乏决心有关,而不是纯粹的恐惧。例如:He's hesitant to make a decision without consulting his partner first. (他没有先咨询他的伴侣就犹豫不决地做决定。)

3. **Be reluctant to do sth.**:这表达了一种不情愿或勉强的态度,可能源于内在的恐惧,但也可能是因为不喜欢、不感兴趣或预见到困难。例如:She's reluctant to attend the party because she doesn't like social gatherings. (她不愿意参加聚会,因为她不喜欢社交活动。)

4. **Be anxious about doing sth.**:这个短语强调的是对某事的焦虑或担忧,可能源于对结果的不确定或对失败的恐惧。例如:He's anxious about giving his first presentation. (他对做第一次演讲感到焦虑。)