"Choose to do sth." 是一个英语表达,表示主动地、有意识地做出决定去做某件事情。这个短语强调了行动的主观性和选择性,意味着在可能的选项中,我们选择了某一特定的行为或任务。


1. 基本用法:在句子中,"choose to do sth." 通常作为谓语动词的一部分,用于描述主语所做的决定。例如:

   - She chooses to study abroad for her master's degree.(她决定去国外读硕士。)

2. 表示对比:可以用来对比两个或多个选项,突出选择的过程。例如:

   - I could either stay at home or go out, but I choose to go out for a walk.(我可以待在家里,也可以出去,但我决定出去散步。)

3. 强调决心:当强调某人坚定的决心时,可以使用此表达。例如:

   - Despite the challenges, he chooses to pursue his dream.(尽管面临挑战,他还是决定追求他的梦想。)

4. 描述决策过程:在讲述决策过程时,"choose to do sth." 揭示了决策背后的思考。例如:

   - After careful consideration, we chose to invest in renewable energy.(经过深思熟虑,我们决定投资可再生能源。)


1. Decide to do sth.:与 "choose to do sth." 类似,"decide to do sth." 也表示做出决定,但可能更侧重于逻辑推理和分析的过程,而 "choose" 更强调个人的偏好和意愿。例如:

   - After weighing the pros and cons, she decided to accept the job offer.(权衡利弊后,她决定接受工作邀请。)

2. Opt to do sth.: "Opt" 意味着在几个选项中挑选最佳或最合适的,它可能暗示了一个更理性的决策过程。例如:

   - Given the circumstances, they opted to delay the launch.(鉴于当前情况,他们选择推迟发布。)

3. Resolve to do sth.: "Resolve" 强调的是坚定的决心和承诺,常用于重大决定或改变行为的情况。例如:

   - He resolved to quit smoking after his health scare.(他在健康受到威胁后决定戒烟。)

4. Determine to do sth.: "Determine" 与 "resolve" 类似,但更强调做出决定的决心,有时带有一种不可动摇的意味。例如:

   - Faced with adversity, she determined to stand up for herself.(面对困境,她决定要为自己挺身而出。)