"Ask to do sth." 是一个常见的英语短语,意为“请求或要求某人做某事”。这个表达通常用于正式或非正式的场合,以表达对他人的请求或期望。在中文中,我们可以将其翻译为“请(某人)做某事”或“要求(某人)做某事”。


"Ask to do sth." 用于表达当你希望或需要某人完成一个特定任务或行动时的请求。这个短语强调的是请求的行为,而不是命令或强迫。它通常带有礼貌的语气,尤其是在询问或请求帮助时。


1. "Could you ask your brother to clean the living room?" (你能请你弟弟打扫一下客厅吗?)

2. "I asked my boss to provide more resources for the project." (我请求老板为项目提供更多的资源。)


1. **Request someone to do sth.** - 这个表达比 "ask to do sth." 更正式,通常用于商务或官方场合。例如:"I requested the manager to review the report."(我请求经理审阅报告。)

2. **Demand that sb. do sth.** - 这个表达比 "ask to do sth." 强烈得多,有时甚至带有一些威胁的意味。例如:"The customer demanded that we deliver the product immediately."(客户要求我们立即交付产品。)

3. **Inquire if sb. could do sth.** - 这个表达更委婉,常用于不确定对方是否愿意或能够做某事的情况。例如:"I inquired if she could help with the charity event."(我询问她是否能帮忙慈善活动。)

4. **Urge sb. to do sth.** - 这个短语表示强烈建议或催促某人做某事。例如:"I urged him to take the job offer."(我劝他接受那份工作。)

5. **Persuade sb. to do sth.** - 这个短语强调通过说服让某人同意做某事。例如:"She persuaded her friend to join the gym."(她说服她的朋友加入健身房。)


1. "Could you ask your sister to lend me her laptop for a while?" (你能请你妹妹借我用一下她的笔记本电脑吗?)

2. "The teacher asked the students to prepare a presentation on climate change." (老师要求学生们准备一份关于气候变化的演讲。)

3. "The doctor urged the patient to quit smoking for his health." (医生强烈建议病人为了健康戒烟。)

4. "I requested the chef to prepare a vegetarian meal for me." (我请求厨师为我准备一份素食餐。)

5. "The company demands that all employees attend the safety training session." (公司要求所有员工参加安全培训课程。)