"Afford to do sth" 是一个英语短语,主要用于表达某人有足够的时间、金钱或资源去做某件事情。它强调的是能力或者可能性,暗示了做这件事不会对个人的经济状况或时间安排造成过度的压力或负担。在更广泛的语境中,"afford" 也可以表示承受得起某种后果或结果。


1. 基本结构:主语 + can/ could/ would afford to + 动词原形

   例如:She can afford to travel abroad every year.


2. 否定形式:主语 + cannot/ couldn't/ wouldn't afford to + 动词原形

   例如:We can't afford to waste any more time.


3. 疑问句:Can/ Could/ Would + 主语 + afford to + 动词原形?

   例如:Can you afford to buy that expensive car?


4. 后接 "not" 表示无法承受:

   例如:They can't afford not to take this opportunity.



1. He affords to live in a luxurious apartment in downtown New York.


2. She can barely afford to pay her rent, let alone buy new clothes.


3. With his new job, he can finally afford to send his children to a private school.


4. We can't afford to miss this deadline; it might cost us our contract.



- **Manage to do sth**: 强调通过努力或克服困难完成某事,可能不涉及金钱或资源。

   例如:Despite the storm, they managed to arrive on time.


- **Be able to do sth**: 表示有能力做某事,但不一定涉及经济或资源的考虑。

   例如:After years of practice, she is now able to play the piano beautifully.


- **Have the means to do sth**: 更侧重于拥有实现某事的手段或资源。

   例如:He has the means to provide for his family's needs.


请注意,"afford to do sth" 通常与金钱或资源相关,而 "manage to do sth" 和 "be able to do sth" 则更广泛,可以用于描述各种能力或情况。在具体语境中选择使用哪个短语,需要根据上下文判断。