**“Wrapped Around His/Her Little Finger”**  

这个短语源于英语,"wrapped around his/her little finger" 是一个形象的表达,用来描述某人完全被另一个人控制或操纵,通常是因为他们对这个人有着深厚的情感或者强烈的欲望。这可以是爱情、亲情、友情或其他任何类型的关系。这个人通过魅力、智慧、情感手段或是其他方式,使得对方完全按照他们的意愿行事。


"Wrapped around his/her little finger" 描述了一种情况,即某人对另一个人有极大的影响力,以至于后者完全受其摆布。这里的“little finger”指的是小指,它在手的五个手指中最不显眼,但却能微妙地影响到整个手的动向,以此比喻在关系中处于主导地位的人只需轻轻一动,就能使对方做出大的反应。



1. After just a few dates, she had him wrapped around her little finger; he would do anything for her.


2. The manager has the whole team wrapped around his little finger; they never question his decisions.


3. She knew how to play her mother's emotions, and had her wrapped around her little finger from a young age.



1. **Under someone's thumb**: 这个短语也表示完全受制于人,但通常带有贬义,暗示一种压迫性的控制。

   例句:He felt trapped in the relationship, always under her thumb.

2. **In the palm of someone's hand**: 类似地,这个短语表示某人完全掌控了局面。

   例句:With his charm and wit, he had the audience in the palm of his hand.

3. **At someone's beck and call**: 表示某人随时待命,完全服从另一人的命令。

   例句:She was at her boss's beck and call, ready to jump into action whenever needed.

4. **Charmed by someone**: 这个短语更强调被某人的魅力所吸引,而不一定是被控制。

   例句:Everyone in the room was charmed by her captivating storytelling.

每个短语都有其特定的语境和情感色彩,选择使用时需考虑具体情境和想要传达的信息。"Wrapped around his/her little finger" 更侧重于描述一种微妙而有力的影响力,而不仅仅是控制。