"Not lift a finger" 是一个英语习语,意为“毫不费力,不做任何事情”,通常用来描述一个人不愿意帮忙或者完全没有参与某项活动。这个表达强调了完全的消极和不作为,有时也含有懒惰或漠不关心的意味。


在句子中,"not lift a finger" 常常用来形容一个人在需要他们采取行动或者帮助的时候,选择了袖手旁观。它可以用于正式或非正式的语境中,既可指人也可指事。


1. Despite everyone's efforts, Tom didn't lift a finger to help with the project, leaving all the work to his teammates.


2. She was surprised that her son didn't lift a finger to clean his room, even after being reminded several times.


3. In the face of the crisis, the government didn't lift a finger to assist the affected citizens, sparking widespread criticism.


4. The neighbor watched the entire incident unfold but didn't lift a finger to intervene.



1. **Do nothing**: 这个短语和 "not lift a finger" 有相似的含义,表示不做任何事情。例如:He could have helped, but he did nothing.(他本可以帮忙,但他什么也没做。)

2. **Make no effort**: 这个短语强调没有付出任何努力。例如:She made no effort to hide her disappointment.(她没有努力掩饰她的失望。)

3. **Sit on one's hands**: 这个表达形象地描述了一个人坐着不动,不愿意采取行动。例如:Instead of offering assistance, they just sat on their hands.(他们没有提供帮助,只是袖手旁观。)

4. **Shirk responsibility**: 这个短语特别指逃避责任。例如:He's always shirking responsibility when it comes to household chores.(一提到家务,他总是逃避责任。)

5. **Be懒得做某事**: 在中文中,我们可以使用“懒得”来表达类似的意思,如:“他懒得帮忙”(He was too lazy to help)。

虽然这些短语和习语在某些情况下可以互换使用,但它们的语气和情境可能会略有不同。"Not lift a finger" 更侧重于强调一种消极的、故意的不作为,而其他短语可能更侧重于描述无动于衷、懒散或逃避责任的行为。在选择使用时,应根据具体情境和语境来决定最合适的表达方式。