"Swing for the fence" 是一个源于棒球的英语短语,它在口语中被广泛使用,尤其是在描述人们采取大胆、冒险或者全力以赴的行动时。在棒球比赛中,击球员"swing for the fence"意味着他全力挥棒,试图打出全垒打,即使这可能会导致三振出局的风险。因此,这个短语比喻为在生活或工作中,人们决定采取可能有高风险但有可能带来巨大回报的策略。


1. When starting his new business, John decided to swing for the fence by investing all his savings, hoping for a big breakthrough.


2. In her speech, the candidate swung for the fence, proposing radical reforms that would either secure her victory or end her political career.


3. The startup chose to swing for the fence with their innovative product, aiming to disrupt the entire industry.


4. Facing a difficult decision, she decided to swing for the fence and take the less-traveled path, hoping it would lead to greater opportunities.



1. **Go all out**: 这个短语表示全力以赴,不保留任何力量。与"swing for the fence"相似,它强调的是尽全力去做某事,无论结果如何。

   例句:She decided to go all out in the final race, leaving nothing behind on the track.


2. **Take a big risk**: 这个表达强调的是冒着重大风险去尝试或追求某个目标。

   例句: He took a big risk by quitting his stable job to pursue his dream of becoming an artist.


3. **Shoot for the stars**: 这个短语意味着设定远大目标,尽管实现这些目标可能非常困难。

   例句: The young entrepreneur shot for the stars with his ambitious plans, hoping to revolutionize the tech industry.


4. **Bite the bullet**: 虽然这个短语通常用于描述勇敢面对痛苦或困难的情况,但它也可以暗示做出一个大胆而可能有风险的决定。

   例句: They bit the bullet and invested heavily in research and development, knowing it was crucial for their long-term success.


以上四个短语虽然都有"全力以赴"的含义,但"swing for the fence"更侧重于冒险和可能的巨大回报,而其他短语则各有侧重点,如"all out"强调努力的程度,"big risk"强调风险,"shoot for the stars"强调目标的远大,"bite the bullet"则更侧重于面对困难的决心。