## 1. 定义与解释

"Poker face" 是一个源自扑克游戏的英语习语,指的是在面对任何情况时保持冷静、面无表情、不露声色的表情。这种表情通常是为了掩饰内心的真实感受或意图,以免他人通过面部表情推断出你的想法或策略。在社交场合,"poker face" 也常用来形容一个人在处理复杂或敏感问题时保持的谨慎态度。

## 2. 用法与例句

### 2.1 作为名词

- She has a great poker face; you can never tell what she's thinking.


- The politician maintained his poker face throughout the debate, giving away no hint of his true stance.


### 2.2 作为动词短语

- He tried to poker face when receiving the bad news, but tears betrayed him.


- In business negotiations, it's important to learn how to poker face and not reveal your intentions too soon.


## 3. 同义词辨析

1. **Deadpan** - 意味着面无表情,通常带有幽默感,即以一种严肃的方式表达幽默,使人难以判断说话者是否在开玩笑。

   - Example: He delivered the joke with a deadpan expression, leaving everyone unsure whether to laugh or not.

2. **Stoic** - 形容人能忍受痛苦而不表露出感情,侧重于忍受而非隐藏。

   - Example: Despite the pain, the athlete remained stoic, not wanting to let his teammates down.

3. **Impassive** - 表示无动于衷,不为外界所动的情感状态。

   - Example: The detective was impassive as he listened to the suspect's alibi, maintaining a professional demeanor.

4. **Muted** - 在这里表示低调、含蓄,不夸张地表达情绪。

   - Example: Her response was muted, suggesting she didn't want to discuss the topic further.

虽然这些词都有类似含义,但它们在具体情境中的使用和强调的方面略有不同。"Poker face" 更侧重于隐藏真实情感,避免泄露策略或意图,而其他词汇可能更侧重于对情绪的抑制或低调处理。