"Kill two birds with one stone" 是一句英语俗语,源自实际的狩猎行为,意指用一块石头同时击中两只鸟,引申为一举两得或一箭双雕的意思。这个短语用来描述一个行动或决策能够同时解决两个问题或达到两个目标。它强调效率和策略性,表明某人通过一个简单的步骤实现了多重目的。


1. **作为主句动词短语**

   - "By studying abroad, I can improve my language skills and experience a new culture, killing two birds with one stone."


2. **作为插入语**

   - "I'll call her on the way to work, killing two birds with one stone."


3. **引导状语从句**

   - "If you exercise in the morning, you can wake up early and have more energy for the day, killing two birds with one stone."


4. **用于建议或评论**

   - "Why not combine your sightseeing with some shopping? Killing two birds with one stone, you know."



1. **Hit two targets with one arrow**

   这个短语与"kill two birds with one stone"有相同含义,但更强调目标的精确打击,常用于正式或书面语境。

2. **Do two things at once**


3. **Serve two purposes**


4. **Get two for the price of one**


5. **Bargain-basement bonanza**
