
“in the dark”是一个英语短语,主要用来表示“在黑暗中”,即光线不足或无法看见的状态。但它的含义并不仅限于此,也常用于比喻,表示“不知情”、“被蒙在鼓里”或“对某事一无所知”。例如:

1. 实际的黑暗环境:I couldn't see anything in the dark.(我在黑暗中什么也看不见。)

2. 比喻意义上的无知:She was kept in the dark about the company's financial situation.(她对公司财务状况一无所知。)


1. 作为介词短语,"in the dark"可以放在句首、句中或句尾,强调某个情况或事实的未知性。

   - In the dark, we had to rely on our sense of touch to navigate through the cave.(在黑暗中,我们只能靠触觉摸索着穿过洞穴。)

   - The investigation is still ongoing, and the public is left in the dark about the details.(调查仍在进行中,公众对细节一无所知。)

2. "in the dark"也可以与动词连用,构成动词短语,如"keep someone in the dark"(不让某人知道)、"leave someone in the dark"(让某人蒙在鼓里)等。

   - He deliberately kept his colleagues in the dark about his resignation plan.(他故意不告诉同事们他的辞职计划。)

   - The decision was made without consulting us, leaving us completely in the dark.(这个决定是在没有咨询我们的情况下做出的,让我们完全不知情。)


1. **Ignorant**: 这个词直接表示“无知的”或“不知道的”,强调缺乏知识或信息的状态。例如:They were ignorant of the risks involved.(他们对所涉及的风险一无所知。)

2. **Unaware**: 表示“未察觉到的”或“不知道的”,通常指由于某种原因(如注意力分散或信息未传达)而未注意到某事。例如:She was unaware that her purse had been stolen.(她没意识到她的钱包被偷了。)

3. **Clueless**: 此词带有较强烈的贬义,表示“完全不明白的”或“毫无头绪的”。例如:He was clueless about how to solve the problem.(他对如何解决这个问题一窍不通。)

4. **In the dark** 与以上词汇相比,更侧重于表达一种被动的、被隐瞒的状态,而不是主动的无知或无能。


1. After the power outage, we sat in the dark, waiting for the lights to come back on.(停电后,我们在黑暗中坐着,等待灯光重新亮起。)

2. Despite being his best friend, I was kept in the dark about his personal life.(尽管他是我最好的朋友,但我对他个人的生活一无所知。)

3. The project team was left in the dark about the changes to the schedule, causing confusion and delays.(项目团队对日程的变动一无所知,导致了混乱和延误。)

4. Feeling clueless about the topic, she decided to do some research before attending the meeting.(因为对此话题一无所知,她决定在参加会议前做一些研究。)

5. He pretended to be ignorant of the issue to avoid getting involved in the conflict.(他假装对此事一无所知,以避免卷入冲突。)

通过以上的解释和例句,我们可以看到,“in the dark”不仅描述了物理上的黑暗,更是一种心理状态,表示对信息的缺乏或被隐瞒。在使用时,可以根据具体情境选择最合适的同义词。