goose bumps 句子释义与用法及同义词辨析


"鸡皮疙瘩",一种生理反应,通常在寒冷、恐惧、紧张或强烈的情感刺激下,皮肤表面会出现小颗粒状的凸起,因其形状类似鸡皮而得名。此外,"goose bumps" 也常用于比喻引起强烈情感共鸣或震撼的体验。


"Goosebumps" is a physical reaction characterized by small, raised bumps on the skin, usually occurring due to cold temperatures, fear, nervousness, or intense emotional arousal. The term is derived from the resemblance of these bumps to the skin of a goose. It can also metaphorically refer to experiences that evoke strong emotions or awe.

### **用法示例:**

1. **基本用法:**

   - "When I heard the haunting melody, I got goose bumps all over my arms."

   - "看到恐怖电影中的鬼魂时,我全身都起了鸡皮疙瘩。" (When I saw the ghost in the horror movie, I got goosebumps all over.)

2. **比喻用法:**

   - "The powerful speech gave me goosebumps, reminding me of the importance of unity."

   - "那篇感人的演讲让我产生了强烈的共鸣,仿佛全身都起了鸡皮疙瘩,让我深刻意识到团结的重要性。" (That inspiring speech stirred me so deeply that it was as if I had goosebumps all over, emphasizing the significance of unity.)

3. **情感表达:**

   - "The beauty of the sunset left me with an overwhelming sense of awe and goosebumps."

   - "日落的壮美让我惊叹不已,心中充满了敬畏,仿佛全身都被鸡皮疙瘩覆盖。" (The breathtaking sunset filled me with an overpowering feeling of awe and goosebumps.)

### **同义词辨析:**

1. **Shivers / Chills:**

   - "Shivers" 和 "chills" 通常指由于寒冷或恐惧引起的颤抖,也可以表示强烈的情感反应。然而,它们更强调身体的颤抖,而不像 "goosebumps" 那样强调皮肤的改变。

   - "当我听到那个故事时,我不仅感到冷,还打了个寒颤。" (When I heard the story, I felt not only cold but also shivers down my spine.)


2. **Tingling / prickling:**

   - 这两个词描述的是皮肤上的一种刺痛或麻痒感,可能与 "goosebumps" 的感觉相似,但不涉及皮肤表面的物理变化。

   - "当我紧张时,我的手臂会有一种刺痛的感觉。" (When I'm nervous, I get a tingling sensation in my arms.)

3. **Emotional Stirring:**

   - 这个短语用来描述强烈的情感反应,但并不特指生理上的 "goosebumps"。

   - "这首歌深深打动了我,引发了一种强烈的情感涌动。" (This song stirred me emotionally, deeply touching my heart.)

4. **Elevator Pangs:**

   - 这是一个非正式的表达,形容突然的紧张或兴奋感,有时与 "goosebumps" 相关联。

   - "看到她走进房间,我立刻有了电梯般的紧张感。" (Seeing her walk into the room, I got instant elevator pangs of excitement.)