### 释义

"Get off on the wrong foot" 是一个英语习语,通常用来描述在开始某项活动、关系或情况时,出现了不和谐、误会或困难的情况。这个表达源自人们日常生活中,如果早晨起床时脚踩到地面的方式不对,可能会导致一天的状态不佳。因此,"get off on the wrong foot" 暗示了从一开始就没有顺利,可能预示着后续的不顺利。

### 用法


1. **个人生活**:After oversleeping and rushing to catch the bus, I got off on the wrong foot and spent the whole day feeling frazzled.(因为睡过头赶公交,我一开始就心情烦躁,整日都感到心神不宁。)

2. **工作环境**:The new project started off with a delay, and we got off on the wrong foot, which made meeting the deadline even more challenging.(新项目一开始就因为延误而开局不利,这使得按时完成任务变得更加困难。)

3. **社交关系**:When we first met, we had a misunderstanding and got off on the wrong foot. But after clearing things up, we became good friends.(我们初次见面时产生了误会,开始时关系并不融洽。但在澄清之后,我们成为了好朋友。)

### 例句

1. The meeting began with a technical glitch, and we all got off on the wrong foot, struggling to establish a stable connection.(会议因为技术问题开始,大家都开局不顺,努力保持稳定的连接。)

2. She was late for the interview, which definitely got her off on the wrong foot with the hiring manager.(她面试迟到,这无疑给面试官留下了不好的第一印象。)

3. After a heated argument in the morning, my spouse and I got off on the wrong foot, and it took the whole day to mend our relationship.(早上的一场激烈争论让我们开局不顺,花了一整天时间才修复了我们的关系。)

### 同义词辨析

1. **Start off on the wrong note**: 这个短语也有相似的含义,表示开始时出现了不愉快或不和谐的情况。例如:"Their collaboration started off on the wrong note due to a disagreement about the project's direction."(他们的合作因为对项目方向的不同意见而开局不顺。)

2. **Misstep**: 这个词指的是在开始时犯了一个错误或失误。例如:"He misstepped by not preparing for the presentation, causing him to stumble through it."(他没有准备好演讲,一开始就出了错,导致他整个过程磕磕绊绊。)

3. **Hit a snag**: 表示遇到阻碍或困难。例如:"Our plan hit a snag when the supplier unexpectedly raised their prices."(当供应商突然提高价格时,我们的计划遇到了麻烦。)

4. **Get into a bad start**: 这个短语直接表达了开始时就遭遇了不好的状况。例如:"Their camping trip got into a bad start when they realized they had forgotten the tent poles."(他们发现忘记带帐篷杆时,露营之旅开局不利。)