"Drop the ball" 是一个英语短语,源于体育运动中的篮球或排球等项目,原意是指球员在比赛中意外失手让球落地。在日常生活中,这个短语常用来形容一个人在执行任务或责任时犯了错误,或者没有按照预期的方式完成工作。换句话说,"drop the ball" 暗示了某人在关键时刻失误或疏忽,导致事情没有顺利进行。


1. "I thought we had everything under control, but I dropped the ball by forgetting to book the venue for the event."(我以为一切都在掌控之中,但我忘了预订活动场地,真是大意了。)

2. "When it came time to present the project, my colleague dropped the ball and showed up unprepared."(到了展示项目的时候,我的同事犯了大错,完全没有准备好。)

3. "The accountant dropped the ball and didn't file our taxes on time, resulting in a penalty."(会计犯了错误,没有按时报税,结果我们被罚款了。)


1. **Mess up**: 这个短语也表示犯错误或把事情搞砸。例如:"She really messed up when she mixed up the client files."(她把客户文件弄混了,真是大错特错。)

2. **Slip up**: 通常用于指无意的小错误。例如:"I slipped up and missed an important deadline."(我不小心错过了一个重要的截止日期。)

3. **Drop the ball and fumble**: 在体育语境中,"fumble" 与 "drop the ball" 类似,但更强调在处理事物过程中失去控制。例如:"The quarterback dropped the ball and fumbled, giving the opposing team an opportunity to score."(四分卫失手掉球,给对方球队创造了得分的机会。)

4. **Bungle**: 强调由于粗心或无能而导致的严重错误。例如:"They completely bungled the project, and now we have to start from scratch."(他们彻底搞砸了项目,现在我们不得不从头开始。)