"Downhill from here" 是一个英语短语,通常用来表示事情从这一刻开始会变得越来越糟,或者情况将逐渐恶化。这个短语源自下坡的物理现象,下坡时,物体通常不受控制地加速下滑,象征着一种不可逆的趋势。在日常对话和写作中,"downhill from here" 传达了一种对未来不乐观或悲观的预期。
1. **语境中的应用**
- "After the project's initial success, it's been downhill from here. We've encountered numerous setbacks and delays." (项目初期取得了一些成功,但从那以后就开始走下坡路了,我们遇到了许多挫折和延误。)
- "The relationship was wonderful at first, but once we started arguing, it's been downhill from there." (起初我们的关系很好,但一旦开始争吵,就每况愈下了。)
2. **情感色彩**
- 正面:当人们想要表达对未来的担忧或对当前困境的无奈时,可以使用这个短语。
- 负面:在描述一个失败的过程或结果时,"downhill from here" 常常带有负面情绪。
3. **结构**
- "From here" 表示一个转折点,强调从这个时刻或事件开始,情况开始变坏。
- "Downhill" 是比喻,暗示事情的进展将不如人意。
1. **On a downward slope**
- 同义,同样表示情况恶化,但更侧重于事物发展的趋势,而非具体事件的转折点。
- 例句:Our profits have been on a downward slope since last quarter. (自上个季度以来,我们的利润一直在下滑。)
2. **Going from bad to worse**
- 强调状况连续恶化,且程度加深。
- 例句:The weather was bad, and it just kept going from bad to worse. (天气糟糕,而且一直在恶化。)
3. **In decline**
- 暗示事物逐渐减少或衰落的状态。
- 例句:The company's sales have been in decline for several years now. (公司的销售额已经连续几年下滑了。)
4. **Headed south**
- 美式口语中,"headed south" 也常用于表示情况恶化,源自美国南部被视为不太理想的地理位置。
- 例句:Our team's morale is headed south after losing three consecutive games. (我们队伍的士气在连续输掉三场比赛后急剧下降。)