"Down to the wire" 是一个英语习语,源自赛马比赛中,比赛直到最后一刻才分出胜负的情况。这个短语用来描述一个紧张、激烈或决定性的关键时刻,通常在事情即将结束之前,结果仍然不确定。它强调的是事情的紧张程度和最后关头的重要性。


在日常使用中,"down to the wire" 表示“直到最后时刻,直至分出胜负”或“直到最后一刻才做出决定”。它描绘了一个紧张的场景,其中结果可能在任何时候揭晓,且任何微小的变化都可能导致最终结果的不同。


1. "The election campaign is down to the wire, with both candidates neck and neck in the polls." (选举活动已经到了关键时刻,两位候选人在民调中势均力敌。)

2. "Our team was down to the wire in the basketball match, but we managed to score the winning point in the final seconds." (我们的篮球队在比赛中一直胶着到最后,但在最后一秒我们成功地得到了制胜一分。)

3. "The project deadline is tomorrow, and we're still working down to the wire to finalize the details." (项目截止日期是明天,我们还在最后一刻努力敲定细节。)


1. **Right down to the last minute/second**: 这个表达与 "down to the wire" 类似,表示事情直到最后一刻才见分晓。

   例句: "The contract negotiations were right down to the last second before both parties agreed on the terms." (合同谈判一直持续到最后一秒,双方才达成一致。)

2. **Go down to the wire**: 这个短语与原句相同,但更常用于体育竞赛或竞争激烈的场合。

   例句: "The boxing match went down to the wire, with both boxers giving their all till the final bell." (拳击比赛一直胶着到最后一刻,两位拳手都全力以赴直到终场铃声响起。)

3. **Hang in the balance**: 这个短语表示事情悬而未决,结果未定。

   例句: "The fate of the proposal hangs in the balance as the board members deliberate over its merits." (提案的命运悬而未决,因为董事会成员正在权衡其优点。)

4. **Come down to the wire**: 与原句相似,但更强调结果取决于最后的努力或决定。

   例句: "The outcome of the debate will come down to the wire, as each side presents their strongest arguments in the closing statements." (辩论的结果将取决于最后的陈述,因为双方将在最后陈述中提出最强有力的观点。)