
"Days are numbered" 是一个英语习语,意指“时间有限,末日将至”,通常用来描述某种情况或事物即将结束,或者某人的生命或某个阶段接近尾声。这个表达带有紧迫感和悲观色彩,暗示了无法逆转的变化或不可避免的结局。


1. The days of our youth are numbered, let's make the most of every moment together. (我们的青春时光所剩无几,让我们珍惜每一刻吧。)

2. With the new policy in place, the days of this old factory are numbered. (新政策出台后,这家老工厂的日子屈指可数了。)

3. As the doctors said, his days are numbered due to the advanced cancer. (医生说,由于癌症晚期,他的日子不多了。)


1. "The writing is on the wall": 这个短语源于《圣经》,表示明显的迹象预示着失败或灾难即将来临。与 "days are numbered" 类似,都暗示了不祥之兆。

例句:The company's poor financial reports suggest that the writing is on the wall for its future. (公司的糟糕财务报告预示着它的未来前景堪忧。)

2. "Time's running out": 这个短语强调时间紧迫,事情必须尽快解决或享受,否则就会错过机会。

例句: Time's running out for us to submit the project proposal; we need to work faster. (我们提交项目提案的时间快到了,我们需要加快速度。)

3. "The end is near": 这个表达直接表明某个过程或状态即将结束,可能指个人生活阶段,也可能指更大范围的事件。

例句: The end is near for this political era as the election results become clear. (随着选举结果明朗,这个政治时代的终结近在眼前。)

虽然这些短语都有相似的含义,但它们的侧重点和语境使用略有不同。"Days are numbered" 更侧重于强调有限的时间和不可避免的结束,而其他短语则更注重时间紧迫或预示着变化的到来。