“Come down in sheets”是一个英语短语,主要用于描述雨、雪等降水现象大量、连续不断地落下。这个表达形象地描绘了水或雪像床单一样大面积、快速地覆盖地面的情景。它也可以用来比喻任何事物大规模、突然地出现。


"Come down in sheets" is an idiomatic expression that primarily refers to rain, snow, or other precipitation falling heavily and continuously. It vividly portrays the image of water or snow descending upon the ground like large sheets, covering a wide area swiftly. This phrase can also be used metaphorically to describe the sudden and abundant appearance of anything.


1. _The rain was coming down in sheets, turning the streets into rivers._


2. _As the storm intensified, snow began to come down in sheets, making visibility almost nil._


3. _When the news broke, complaints about the new policy came down in sheets from employees._


4. _The criticism from the public came down in sheets after the politician's controversial statement._



1. **Pour** - 这个词常用来描述液体或雨滴快速而大量地流动或落下。例如:"The rain poured down heavily."(雨猛烈地下着。)

2. **Deluge** - 指大量、猛烈的降雨,有时也用于比喻大量涌入的事物。例如:"A deluge of rain flooded the streets."(一场大雨淹没了街道。)

3. **Cascade** - 除了描述水流下落,还可以指信息、数据等大量且连续不断地涌现。例如:"A cascade of emails filled her inbox."(一连串的电子邮件填满了她的收件箱。)

4. **Flood** - 通常指水的泛滥,但也可用于比喻大量的事物突然涌现。例如:"The store was flooded with customers during the sale."(商店在打折期间顾客盈门。)