"Clean up one's act" 是一个英语习语,主要用于描述某人改正错误行为或改善不良习惯的过程。这个短语暗示了一个人认识到自己的问题,并采取积极措施去改正,以达到更好的生活状态或提高个人表现。在日常对话和写作中,这个表达通常带有鼓励和期待的语气。


1. After several warnings from his boss, John finally decided to clean up his act and started arriving at work on time.


2. If you want to keep your job, you need to clean up your act and stop coming in late so often.


3. The football team realized they needed to clean up their act after a string of disappointing losses.


4. She promised her parents she would clean up her act and focus more on her studies.



1. **Shape up**: 这个短语也有改变不良行为的意思,但更强调立即改正,有时带有威胁或警告的意味。

   Example: "You'd better shape up or you'll be out of this team." (你最好赶快改过自新,否则你就别想在这个队伍里待下去。)

2. **Get one's act together**: 这个表达强调的是组织好自己的生活或工作,提高效率,不再混乱或无序。

   Example: "After losing several clients, it was time for him to get his act together and improve his performance." (在失去了几个客户后,他该好好整顿一下,提升自己的表现了。)

3. **Turn over a new leaf**: 意味着彻底改变,开始新的生活方式或态度,通常用于较大的转变。

   Example: "She decided to turn over a new leaf and start living a healthier lifestyle." (她决定痛改前非,开始健康的生活方式。)

4. **Straighten up**: 与"clean up one's act"相似,表示改正行为,但更侧重于停止做坏事。

   Example: "He knew he had to straighten up before his family would forgive him." (他知道他必须改邪归正,家人才会原谅他。)