"Circle the wagons" 是一个源自美国西部拓荒时期的短语,最初指的是当印第安人或其它敌人攻击时,拓荒者们会将他们的篷车围成一圈,以形成一个防御工事。这个表达现在常被用来形容人们在面临外部威胁或困难时团结一致,共同防御或支持彼此的行为。它传达了一种集体凝聚力和决心对抗逆境的精神。


1. 当公司面临经济危机时,全体员工"circle the wagons",共同应对挑战,确保公司的生存。

   - When the company faced an economic crisis, all employees "circled the wagons" to jointly confront the challenge and ensure the firm's survival.

2. 在选举的关键时刻,候选人和支持者们"circle the wagons",共同抵御对手的攻击。

   - As the election neared its climax, the candidate and his supporters "circled the wagons" to fend off attacks from their opponents.

3. 面对社区的反对,我们决定"circle the wagons",加强内部沟通,共同制定策略来解决问题。

   - In the face of community opposition, we decided to "circle the wagons," reinforcing internal communication and jointly devising strategies to address the issue.


1. **Band together**: 这个短语也表示人们团结一致,共同努力。但相比"circle the wagons",它更强调合作而非防御。

   - Example: "In the face of adversity, they banded together to overcome the obstacles."

2. **Stand united**: 强调大家一致对外,表达的是团结一致的立场。

   - Example: "In response to the external threat, the team stood united, not allowing any division to weaken them."

3. **Close ranks**: 通常用于军事或政治环境,表示在压力下组织成员紧密团结,形成统一战线。

   - Example: "The political party closed ranks in the wake of the scandal, presenting a unified front to the public."

4. **Hunker down**: 这个短语意味着准备度过艰难时期,有时也包含一种防御意味,但不一定涉及集体行动。

   - Example: "Faced with the storm, they hunkered down, bracing themselves for the challenges ahead."