## 一、释义

"Cash in my chips" 是一个源自赌博(尤其是扑克游戏)的英语短语,它的直接含义是将筹码兑换成现金。在更广泛的语境中,这个短语意味着结束投资、退出游戏或结束某种冒险行为,通常是在认为已经达到最佳收益或者避免进一步损失的时候。在商业和日常生活中,它常用来表示“收手”、“获利了结”或“结束参与”。

## 二、用法

1. **在赌博中**:当玩家决定不再继续玩下去,想要将手中的筹码换成钱时,他们会说 "I think I'll cash in my chips now." 这个短语在这里是字面意义上的。

2. **在商业环境中**:如果一个投资者在股票或房地产市场上看到利润,他们可能会选择 "cash in their chips",即卖出资产以实现利润。

3. **在个人生活中**:这个短语也可以用来描述结束某项活动或关系,比如 "After years of hard work, it's time for me to cash in my chips and retire."

## 三、例句

1. **赌博场景**:After a long night at the poker table, I decided to cash in my chips and head home. (在扑克桌旁熬了一整夜后,我决定兑现我的筹码然后回家。)

2. **商业环境**:With the stock market on a steady rise, it's the perfect time to cash in our chips and make a profit. (股市稳步上涨,现在是兑现我们的股票并获利的好时机。)

3. **个人生活**:She felt like she'd done her part, so she cashed in her chips and moved on from the volunteer organization. (她觉得自己已经尽了力,于是退出了志愿者组织。)

## 四、同义词辨析

1. **Call it a day**:这个短语也表示停止当前的活动,但并不一定涉及金钱或投资,可能只是因为疲倦或完成了一天的工作。

   Example: After finishing the project, we all agreed to call it a day.

2. **Fold**:在赌博语境中,"fold" 意味着放弃一手牌,不再继续投入。在非赌博场合,它可表示放弃某个计划或行动。

   Example: Seeing no potential in the business proposal, he decided to fold.

3. **Cash out**:与 "cash in my chips" 类似,"cash out" 通常指从投资中获取回报或结束参与。

   Example: He decided to cash out his investment after a successful startup launch.

4. **Cut one's losses**:这个短语强调在损失进一步扩大前及时止损。

   Example: Realizing the investment wasn't going to pan out, she decided to cut her losses.