**bury one's head in the sand** 这个短语源自鸵鸟在遇到危险时的行为,它们会将头埋入沙土中,以为这样就能避开威胁。在人类社会中,这个短语比喻一个人面对问题或困难时,选择忽视、逃避,而不是正视并解决它。这种行为通常被认为是消极和不明智的。


bury one's head in the sand 意味着故意忽视或拒绝接受不愉快的事实、信息或问题,以避免面对现实。它描述了人们在面对挑战或困境时,选择逃避而不是勇敢面对的心态。



1. "When the company started losing money, the CEO just buried his head in the sand, hoping the problem would go away on its own." (当公司开始亏损时,CEO只是逃避现实,希望问题会自行消失。)

2. "Instead of dealing with the conflict, she buried her head in the sand, pretending nothing was wrong." (她没有处理冲突,而是选择逃避,假装一切正常。)


1. **Turn a blind eye** - 忽视,假装没看到。这个短语强调的是主动选择不看见,与bury one's head in the sand相似,但更侧重于视觉上的忽视。

   例句: "He turned a blind eye to his friend's dishonesty, which only made things worse." (他对朋友的不诚实视而不见,结果情况变得更糟。)

2. **Ignore** - 忽视,不理会。这是一个更直接的动词,表示对某事的有意忽略。

   例句: "She ignored all the warning signs and continued with her risky investment strategy." (她无视所有警告信号,继续采取冒险的投资策略。)

3. **Stick one's head in the sand** - 这是bury one's head in the sand的另一种表达方式,含义相同。

   例句: "It's time to stop sticking your head in the sand and face the consequences of your actions." (是时候停止逃避现实,面对你的行为带来的后果了。)

4. **Deny** - 否认,否定。这个词强调的是对事实的否认,而不仅仅是忽视。

   例句: "Despite the evidence, he denied any involvement in the incident." (尽管有证据,他还是否认自己参与了这起事件。)