“Bull in a China Shop”是一个英语习语,源自过去商店里展示瓷器时常常会将易碎品放在高架上,而公牛(bull)因为体型大且行动笨拙,如果误入这样的店铺,很可能会造成瓷器破损。因此,“Bull in a China Shop”常用来形容一个人行事鲁莽、粗心大意,不善于在精细或敏感的环境中处理事情,容易引起混乱或破坏。




1. After the new employee joined the team, his blunt comments were like a bull in a china shop, causing tension among coworkers.


2. When discussing delicate matters, it's important not to act like a bull in a china shop, or you might ruin everything.


3. His attempt to mediate the dispute was more like a bull in a china shop, making the situation even worse.



1. **Clumsy as an Elephant in a China Shop**: 这个表达与“Bull in a China Shop”非常相似,大象因其庞大身躯和笨拙动作,也常被用来比喻做事不小心的人。两者都强调粗鲁和不谨慎,但大象的形象可能更加强调体积和力量上的影响。

2. **Heavy-handed**: 这个形容词意味着处理事情过于严厉或用力过猛,不考虑细腻或微妙之处。例如,“His heavy-handed approach to discipline made the students rebel against him.” (他严厉的纪律手段让学生产生了反抗心理。)

3. **Inept**: “Inept”表示缺乏技巧或能力,不能胜任某项任务。这与“Bull in a China Shop”不同,后者更侧重于行为方式,而“inept”则强调能力不足。

4. **Ham-fisted**: 这个词形容某人做事笨拙,手法粗糙。例如,“Her ham-fisted attempts at diplomacy only worsened the international relations.” (她笨拙的外交手段反而恶化了国际关系。)