Birds of a feather flock together - 句子释义、用法及同义词辨析**


“Birds of a feather flock together”是一句英语谚语,意为“物以类聚,人以群分”,表示具有相同特质或兴趣的人往往会聚集在一起。这个表达源自自然界中的鸟类,它们通常会与同类一起飞翔和栖息。


This proverbial phrase, "Birds of a feather flock together," signifies that people with similar characteristics or interests tend to associate with one another, just as birds of the same species often congregate and fly together.


1. 在职场上,我们经常看到技术部门的员工下班后一起去喝咖啡,这真是“Birds of a feather flock together”。

   (In the workplace, it's common to see technical department employees hang out for coffee after work, truly embodying "Birds of a feather flock together.")

2. 看到那些热爱旅行的朋友总是一起规划新的冒险,我不禁想到这正是“Birds of a feather flock together”。

   (Seeing those friends who love traveling always planning new adventures together, I can't help but think of the phrase "Birds of a feather flock together.")

3. 当我发现我的新邻居也是书虫时,我明白为何我们会成为朋友,因为“Birds of a feather flock together”。

   (Upon realizing that my new neighbor is also an avid reader, I understood why we became friends – "Birds of a feather flock together.")

4. 这个社区的志愿者大多数是退休教师,他们共享教育的热情,这证明了“Birds of a feather flock together”。

   (Most of the volunteers in this community are retired teachers, sharing a passion for education, which exemplifies "Birds of a feather flock together.")


1. **Like-minded people attract each other**

   同义于“Birds of a feather flock together”,强调拥有相似思想或观点的人相互吸引。

2. **Kindred spirits**


3. **People in the same boat**


4. **Fellow travelers**


5. **Companions in misfortune**


6. **Two peas in a pod**
