"Bigger Fish to Fry" 是一句英语俗语,源自生活中的钓鱼场景,意指有更重要的事情需要处理,或者更紧迫的问题需要解决。这个表达通常用来表明某人不愿意或没有时间关注较小或不重要的问题,因为他们正在专注于更重要的事务。


"Bigger Fish to Fry" 通常用于描述一个人在面对众多任务或问题时,选择优先处理那些更具挑战性或影响更大的事情。它传达了一种权衡和选择的观念,即在有限的时间和资源下,人们倾向于将精力集中在那些能产生更大影响或更紧急的任务上。


1. 当你想要表达自己当前有更重要的事情要处理时,可以使用这个短语。

2. 在建议他人不要过于纠结于琐事,应该关注全局时,也可以运用此短语。

3. 在讨论工作或项目优先级时,"bigger fish to fry" 可以用来解释为何某些任务被放在次要位置。


1. "I know there's a small error in the report, but we have bigger fish to fry right now, like meeting the deadline."


2. "Instead of arguing over who forgot to take out the trash, let's focus on our presentation – we've got bigger fish to fry."


3. "When the CEO asked me about the minor design flaw, I told him we had bigger fish to fry, such as securing funding for the next project."



1. "More pressing issues" - 意味着更紧急或更紧迫的问题,强调时间的紧迫性。

   例句:We need to deal with more pressing issues first, like addressing the customer complaints.

2. "Greater priorities" - 强调的是优先级更高的事项,可能并不涉及时间紧迫性,但对整体目标的影响更大。

   例句: With greater priorities on our plate, we can't afford to waste time on trivial matters.

3. "Larger concerns" - 这个短语强调的是比当前问题更大、更广泛或更复杂的问题。

   例句: The company needs to address larger concerns, such as employee satisfaction, instead of just focusing on quarterly profits.

4. "More significant challenges" - 这个短语强调的是具有更大影响力或更难解决的问题。

   例句: We have more significant challenges to tackle, like improving our product's user experience.

总结来说,"Bigger Fish to Fry" 是一个表达优先级和注意力分配的习语,常用于说明在处理一系列任务时,为何选择了忽略或推迟处理某些相对不那么重要的事情。其同义表达如 "more pressing issues", "greater priorities", "larger concerns", 和 "more significant challenges" 都可以根据具体情境来选择使用。