**Better Half** 是一个英语短语,通常用来指一个人的配偶或伴侣,特别是当他们在某些方面比自己更优秀或更重要时。这个表达充满了爱意和尊重,暗示了这个人对另一个人生活的重要性。"Better half" 不是强调一方优于另一方,而是强调两人之间的互补性和相互支持。
### 用法:
1. **作为名词短语**:
- "My better half will be joining me at the dinner party tonight."
2. **在比较结构中**:
- "She's the brains behind the operation, I'm just the better half who does the physical work."
3. **在对话中**:
- "I couldn't have accomplished this without my better half's support."
4. **在描述关系中**:
- "They've been together for over a decade; she truly is his better half."
### 同义词辨析:
- **Partner**: 这个词更为通用,可以指任何类型的伙伴,包括商业伙伴、生活伙伴等,而不仅仅是配偶。
- "He considers his partner an equal in all aspects of life."
- **Spouse**: 此词专指法律意义上的丈夫或妻子,具有正式和法律约束力。
- "After 20 years of marriage, they remain each other's best friend and spouse."
- **Significant Other**: 这个术语用于指重要的恋人或伴侣,但不一定是法律上的配偶。
- "She mentioned her significant other in her speech, expressing gratitude for their unwavering support."
- **Life Partner**: 这个短语强调的是长期的生活伴侣,可能是婚姻关系,也可能是非婚同居关系。
- "They've decided to live together as life partners without getting legally married."