"Beaten by the ugly stick" 是一句英语俚语,它用来形容一个人的外貌不吸引人或者长得难看。这个表达源自“stick”的击打动作,暗示某人的外貌像是被一个“丑陋之棒”打过,使得他们看起来不那么美观。在口语中,这个短语通常用于幽默或非正式的场合,以一种委婉的方式评论他人的外貌。


"Beaten by the ugly stick" 的含义是形容一个人长得不漂亮或丑陋。它主要用于描述那些外貌不太出众的人,有时带有一些戏谑或轻蔑的意味,但并不总是恶意的。这个短语在非正式对话中使用更为常见,尤其是在朋友之间互相开玩笑时。


1. "I'm afraid my little brother was really beaten by the ugly stick, but he's got a heart of gold."


2. "She says she's single because all the guys think she's been beaten by the ugly stick, but I think she's just too picky."


3. "When I saw his high school yearbook photo, I thought he'd been hit by the ugly stick. But now, he's grown into such a handsome man!"



1. **Plain Jane**: 这个短语用来形容一个相貌普通的女性,没有特别引人注目的外貌特征。

   例句: "She might not be a beauty queen, but she's definitely no Plain Jane either – there's something unique about her."


2. **Not the best-looking**: 直接表示某人外表不怎么出众。

   例句: "He's not the best-looking guy in the room, but his charm makes up for it."


3. **Average-looking** 或 **unremarkable-looking**: 这两个短语强调某人的外貌并无特殊之处,容易被人忽视。

   例句: "She's an average-looking girl, but her intelligence shines through in her conversation."


4. **Dowdy** 或 **frumpy**: 这些词常用来形容衣着朴素、不修边幅,从而显得不够时尚或缺乏吸引力的人。

   例句: "She used to be dowdy and frumpy, but after a wardrobe makeover, she looks stunning!"
