"Back in the saddle" 是一个英语习语,源自马术世界,意味着“重新骑上马背”,即指某人恢复了他们之前中断的活动或工作。这个表达通常带有积极的含义,暗示着个人克服了困难,重新开始并掌控了局面。在更广泛的语境中,它也可以用来描述一个人回到他们熟悉的环境或者角色中。


1. After a long break, the CEO is back in the saddle, leading the company towards new heights.


2. The injured athlete announced he's back in the saddle and ready for the upcoming competition.


3. Despite the setbacks, she picked herself up and got back in the saddle, determined to finish her project.


4. After a brief sabbatical, the renowned professor was back in the saddle, teaching his beloved literature course.


5. The retired firefighter returned to service, feeling like he was back in the saddle where he belonged.



1. **Resume**: 这个词常用于正式场合,表示“重新开始”或“继续”。例如:“She has resumed her studies after a summer break.”(她在暑假后恢复了学习。)

2. **Pick up where one left off**: 这个短语表示在中断后从停止的地方继续。例如:“We'll pick up where we left off in our discussion tomorrow.”(我们明天会从昨天讨论的地方继续。)

3. **Get back on track**: 这个短语意味着纠正偏离的路径,重新回到正轨。例如:“After losing focus, he finally managed to get back on track with his goals.”(在他失去焦点后,最终设法回到了实现目标的正轨上。)

4. **Return to the fold**: 通常用于宗教或组织的语境,表示回归团体。例如:“The prodigal son returned to the fold, seeking forgiveness from his family.”(浪子回头,向家人寻求宽恕。)

5. **Rejoin the game**: 这个短语在体育或竞争环境中使用,表示再次参与。例如:“The injured player rejoining the game lifted the spirits of the whole team.”(受伤球员的回归提振了全队的精神。)