**Sinking Ship: 句子释义与用法,例句及同义词辨析**


"Sinking ship" 是一个比喻性的表达,源自航海术语,指的是正在下沉或即将沉没的船只。在更广泛的语境中,它常用来形容一个处境危急、无法挽救的事物或情况,比如企业、项目、关系等。这种情况下,"sinking ship" 暗示了失败的必然性,通常伴随着无法逆转的消极后果。


在句子中,"sinking ship" 通常作为名词短语使用,可以指具体的事物,如船,也可以比喻抽象的情况。以下是一些使用例子:

1. The company was like a **sinking ship**, with employees jumping ship one by one. (这家公司就像一艘沉船,员工们纷纷离职。)

2. After the scandal, the politician's campaign became a **sinking ship**. (丑闻曝光后,那位政治家的竞选活动变得岌岌可危。)

3. She realized her marriage was a **sinking ship** and decided to divorce. (她意识到自己的婚姻如同沉船,于是决定离婚。)


1. When the captain gave the order to abandon ship, it was clear that the Titanic was a **sinking ship**. (当船长下令弃船时,很明显泰坦尼克号正在下沉。)

2. Despite their best efforts, the project was a **sinking ship** from the start due to poor planning. (尽管他们尽了最大努力,但由于计划不周,这个项目从一开始就注定失败。)

3. He realized he should have left the company earlier when it started showing signs of being a **sinking ship**. (他应该在公司开始显现颓势时就离开,那时它已经像一艘下沉的船。)


1. **Doomed venture**: 与 "sinking ship" 类似,这个词组也表示注定失败的事业或项目。

   Example: The startup was a **doomed venture** from the beginning, lacking both funding and a solid business model. (这家初创公司从一开始就注定失败,既缺乏资金,又没有稳固的商业模式。)

2. **Lost cause**: 这个短语指的是无法挽回的败局,通常用于描述一种已经无可救药的局面。

   Example: Trying to convince him would be a **lost cause**; he's made up his mind already. (试图说服他会是徒劳的,他已经下定决心了。)

3. **Terminal decline**: 强调的是事物或情况的严重下滑,通常与不可逆的衰退有关。

   Example: The town's economy has been in a **terminal decline** since the factory closed down. (自从工厂关闭以来,这个小镇的经济一直在急剧下滑。)

4. **Going down with the ship**: 这个短语源自航海传统,表示忠诚到最后一刻,即使面临灾难也不离不弃。

   Example: He chose to stay with the company even as it was **going down with the ship** out of loyalty to his colleagues. (他选择留在公司,即使公司正面临困境,他也对同事忠诚到底。)