"Drop In" 释义与用法


1. **不期而至**:指未预先通知或邀请就突然访问某人或某地。

2. **下降,降低**:在物理或抽象意义上表示数量或程度的减少。

3. **偶然提及**:在谈话中随意插入某个话题或信息。


1. **Make an unexpected or informal visit to someone or some place.**

2. **Descend or fall; decrease in quantity or degree.**

3. **Mention something casually in conversation.**


1. **不期而至**

   - "I decided to drop in on my friend after work, hoping to catch him by surprise."

   - "昨晚,她突然决定去父母家drop in,给他们一个惊喜。"


2. **下降,降低**

   - "The stock market saw a sudden drop in prices yesterday."

   - "昨天股市价格突然drop in,让许多投资者感到不安。"

3. **偶然提及**

   - "During our chat, she casually dropped in the fact that she's planning to move abroad."

   - "聊天时,他不经意地提到他打算移民国外。"


1. **Visit**:通常指计划或预期中的拜访,而 "drop in" 更强调其突然性和非正式性。

   - "I'll visit you this weekend."(我周末会去看你。)

   - "She just dropped in for a quick coffee."(她只是顺便进来喝杯咖啡。)

2. **Stop by**: 与 "drop in" 类似,也指未经事先安排的短暂访问。

   - "Could you stop by my office later?"(你稍后能来我办公室一下吗?)

3. **Descend/Fall**: 这两个词在物理意义上与 "drop" 同义,但 "drop" 更口语化,且可应用于抽象概念。

   - "The plane began to descend for landing."(飞机开始降落。)

   - "Sales have dropped significantly this quarter."(这个季度的销售额大幅下降。)

4. **Mention**: 虽然 "mention" 和 "drop in" 都涉及提及某事,但 "mention" 更正式,而 "drop in" 常用于口语中。

   - "He mentioned his new job in passing."(他随便提了一下他的新工作。)

   - "She dropped in that she won a prize at the conference."(她顺便提到她在会议上得了个奖。)